Monika Astara

Symbolism of Animals

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It takes tremendous strength and perseverance to transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly. At one point, when the butterfly has to force its final way out of the caterpillar shell, it seems like a painful, lengthy struggle. Yet, the butterfly perseveres. During that struggle, the butterfly develops its wings so it can fly. Without that struggle, the wings would not function and the butterfly wouldn't be able to fly.

Butterflies symbolize transformation, freedom, rebirth, hope, personal and spiritual growth into an expanded reality.

In many cultures the butterfly is associated with the soul and the soul's journey from a mere earthly identity to a spiritual identity - eventually leading to enlightenment/re-union with the Creator.

We all have the experience that when we see butterflies, we light up. Our hearts soften and we watch them with great joy and appreciation. Having that energy around us, stimulates those kind of qualities to expand in our personalities.

Butterflies can show us how to be light, enjoy and how to have a balance between work and play.

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