January: Garnet
February: Amethyst
March: Aquamarine
April: Diamond, Crystal
May: Emerald
June: Moonstone, Pearl
July: Ruby
August: Peridot
September: Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
October: Opal, Tourmaline
November: Citrine, Yellow Topaz
December: Turquoise, Tanzanite
Care for your jewelry and stones:
Clean with a soft cloth and warm water ehen needed. Dry thoroughly.
Avoid harsh chemicals, perfumes, soaps and excessive moisture.
Keep jewelry and stones separate from each other. Store each jewelry piece or stone in a soft fabric pouch or cotton filled jewelry box.
About Gemstones**
All information on Birth Stones and Gemstones, as well as on the psychology of color, is for entertainment purposes only.
It is not meant as a diagnostic tool or any other advice.
Simply follow your own intuition and enjoy the splendor and wonders that these natural beauties have offered throughout history and continue to offer to this day.
About Gemstones
Throughout history, civilizations have used gemstones, crystals and rocks for their healing and metaphysical properties**. They have been used for their power to protect from negative influences, to release mental or emotional blockages, to enhance qualities that we already have, to attract qualities that we want in our lives, to facilitate well-being, to assist in getting through tough times and to facilitate the free flow of energy in our bodies.
Many of us have experiences in wanting to wear a certain necklace, or a certain color, or certain texture because it makes us feel a certain way. Similarly, (gem)stones can be used as a medium to achieve a certain emotional or mental state that we desire.
Agate usually has stripes running through. It's a type of chalcedony that comes in a variety of types and colors. It is often named by it's color/pattern (e.g. blue lace agate) or the area/country where it is mined (e.g.Botswana agate).
Agate has cooling effects, helps settle the nervous system, promotes strength and stamina.
Amazonite is said to be excellent at balancing emotions, cultivate inner calm and peace, and promote a light mood. It boosts confidence and protects from harmful energies.
True amber is fossilized sap resin that came from ancient pines. Most amber on the market today is tree resin.
Amber is very light and floats. It is best known in it's honey color, but it also comes in green, black, red-orange.
Amber is often considered a symbol for the warmth and the sun. And sometimes as "Gold of the Sea" - since it occasionally can be found on beaches.
Despite it's lightness, amber is a powerful "stone". But it is gentle and soothing in its power.
It promotes healing and creativity. It envelops us in warmth and nurturing vibes. It can improve vitality - as well as emotional balance.
Beautiful shades of lavender to deep purple. Amethyst geodes cut open are one of the most fascinating formations.
Amethyst is promotes mental clarity and stability.
Azurite or Malachite/Azurite
This is the stone for discovering who you truly are and going for it.
It helps dismantle old beliefs about yourself and establish and strengthen new, supportive ones that are aligned with your true soul self and personality.
It strengthens the emotional body. Mostly by releasing anxiety and worry. And directing attention to what is true and great about you.
Biwa Pearls
Biwa pearls are freshwater pearls that originated in Lake Biwa, Japan. But meanwhile has stiff competition from China.
They are thought to enhance the flow of energy in the body. As well as letting thought forms move through the body. That can be helpful when you want to manifest healing energy throughout the body.
Biwa pearls are believed to enhance self-awareness and the expression of a higher self.
They offer wisdom and are supposed to enhance love within relationships and friendships. And that can be even with "just" ourselves.
Used for thousands of years in royal adornments in many different cultures. Egyptians considered it to be a stone that highly supports their life force and power. Chinese believed it to be blood cleansing and deflecting harm to one's body. In modern history carnelian is viewed as a second chakra stone that brings out one's power and life force and creativity. Carnelian has lush orange-red colors - from light to very deep .
Wearing carnelian can make us feel stronger, more creative, less vulnerable and bring out the fire/light in us.
Chalcedony is considered a stone for the neck and throat area - helping to heal problems in there and enhance communication. Eliminating or reducing self doubts, it is believed to make the wearer feel more peaceful and self assured.
It is suposed to assist in spiritual and mental growth. As well as enhance joy for life.
Chalcedony comes in a large variety of colors - and even very varied color combinations.
In ancient Egypt coral was the companion stone to turquoise and lapis in royal jewelry.
It still is in Native American jewelry and Tibetan jewelry.
Coral is often considered to shield the wearer from harm or negative energy.
History tells, that as a symbol of passion for life and delight, it was used to treat nervous systems, enhance a person's energy, fight depression and despondency. And instead stimulate inspiration and imagination for positive energies and outlooks.
It's a great stone to help communicating one's inner power into the world with joy and passion.
this sweet stone comes in different colors - burgundy, dark wine, green, yellow green.
It is a stone for the heart and is believed to strengthen the blood and the heart.
It is simultaneously soft and strong. It can soften our hearts and at the same time strengthen our hearts. Good to wear when going through tough emotional times or when simply wanting to feel more heart centered.
Lapis, or Lapis Lazuli due to its golden specks in the intense blue stone, is usually associated with the throat chakra, speaking the truth and wisdom.
It is believed to enhance communication, open the vocal cords for clearer voice, open not only the throat chakra, but also assist in opening the other chakras. And allowing a flow of energy throughout the body.
Like coral, it has been used by royalty, Native American people and Tibetan people together with turquoise and coral since ancient times in stunning jewelry.
It is highly pized for its stunning color, its healing and metaphysical properties. It is said to increase a positive outlook on life, boost confidence and enhance authenticity.
Magnesite has anywhere from soft veins to intense veins and speckles. It is extensively used to produce "turquoise" jewelry by dyeing it turquoise.
Most people cannot tell the difference. It is often sold as real turquoise - even by high-end luxury stores and boutiques.
Magnesite is a stone that assists in finding your true self, exploring your soul and the deeper meaning of life. It supports your quest for finding and living your true soul self.
It can help to get you on the path that is right for you.
Magnesite is supposed to strengthen relationships, increase the trust and level of acceptance within relationships.
That can also mean the relationship with yourself.
Malachite/Azurite - or Azurite
This is the stone for discovering who you truly are and going for it.
It helps dismantle old beliefs about yourself and establish and strengthen new, supportive ones that are aligned with your true soul self and personality.
It strengthens the emotional. Mostly by releasing anxiety and worry. And directing attention to what is true and great about you.
Moonstone is considered the stone of the Gods and Goddesses. A stone that enhances purity, peacefulness, deep intuition and is soothing, nurturing and uplifting.
It is mystical - like the moon - and can lead into dreamlike states where clear intuition emerges.
Moonstone helps the natural flow and rhythm of the body.
Mother of Pearl
Mother of Pearl is associated with moon and water energies. As well as with feminine energies of being soft, kind, accepting and loving oneself.
It is believed to shield against negative energies and promote feeling calm, peaceful and clear.
Just looking at this stone evokes inner peace, purity, beauty and a sense of tranquility.
It has been used to heal emotions and help on a spiritual journey towards achieving one's goals.
This is the stone if you want to enhance your creativity, get your imagination revved up, be in tune with your self and boost your confidence. All while feeling calm and confident.
Opal is a bit of a sensitive stone. It likes to be treated kindly and gently. So - no harsh treatments or chemicals for it. Keep it separate and let it bloom in its own space, away from direct sunlight when you are not wearing it.
If needed, just use a soft cloth and lukewarm water.
Opal comes in a huge variety of colors! It is believed to be great for the eyes and the skin.
Ruby has been considered the highly prized Queen of gemstones. It is rarer than diamonds.
Ruby is the stone of love and passion and emanates happiness.
It is said to help moving away from damaging relationships, anguish, suffering, self-doubt and embracing one's magnificence in a matter-of-fact humble way. Which is truly powerful.
As a stone of the base chakra and the heart, it lays the foundation for a healthy, strong sense of self which is kind and powerful.
Ruby is associated with the spleen, kidney and adrenals. It is believed to help detoxifying the overall body, and simultaneously strengthen the heart and bloodflow in the body.
Ruby Zoisite
Ruby zoisite is somewhat in a class of its own due to being believed that it connects the mental/physical to the spiritual and allows the wearer to access higher levels of consciousness and awareness.
It is this exqusite blend of opaque ruby inside green zoisite. Ruby Zoisite is a heart-centered stone that enhances vitality , as well as compassion for others and oneself.
Some say it it a soul stone that lights up the wearer's spirit/soul and imparts a sense of bliss and passion for life.
Even just from watching peoples' reaction to Ruby Zoisite, I can say that it is one of the most intriguing stones.
Sponge Coral
In Vedic astrology sponge coral is associated with Mars. It is a planet associated with energy, courage and passion.
Wearing sponge coral is said to enhance those energies in the person wearing it and instill strength, vitality and the courage to overcome obstacles.
In Western astrology, sponge coral is associated with Aries, which is ruled by Mars. If you want to align more with your firey, dynamic nature, be more assertive and gain a stronger sense of direction, this stone can be ideal for you.
It is also associated with the sacral chakra, the chakra for creativity and passion. It is believed to boost energy, increase stamina, invigorate the body and mind and promote emotional healing.
Sugilite vibrates on a high energy level. It is associated with spiritual growth. It's believed to be a fabulosu stone to support you to live fully, follow your passion and live your truth.
It is also considered to be a natural healer for the whole body - helping in clearing inflammation, a stressed brain and rattled nerves.
People use it for clearing the whole aura and connecting to higher levels of consciousness.
It is said to balance the emotional body, relieve trauma and further a positive mental attitude and state of being.
It is believed to help in healing inflammation, soothe high-wired nerves and support overall healing of body and mind.
Turquoise is a perfect stone for keeping well grounded and in the present. It is said to deflect negativity, to heal emotional wounds, to absorb tension and stress. Turquoise can make us feel stronger, healthier and more energetic.
I wear it when I have to deal a lot with people, when I am at shows or when I want to be supported.
Real turquoise, that has not been stabilized, takes on the oils and the acids from the body and changes the colors accordingly.
Native Americans used to say that by the color of turquoise they can tell if a person comes in anger, fear, malice, peace.
These days most turquoise is stabilized*, it doesn't change colors any more.
A lot of stones that are sold as turquoise - even in high end boutiques and luxury stores - are actually magnasite or howlite dyed turquoise.
It's good to find someone who knows their stones when purchasing turquoise.
*stabilized turquoise: most turquoise that has been mined in the last 20 plus years is so powdery and brittle, that it cannot be used for jewelry as it is. So huge chunks get soaked in hot resin. The turquoise soaks up the resin and when it cools, it gets firm and can be cut into any shape.
All information on Birth Stones and Gemstones, as well as on the psychology of color, is for entertainment purposes only.
It is not meant as a diagnostic tool or any other advice.
Simply follow your own intuition and enjoy the splendor and wonders that these natural beauties have offered throughout history and continue to offer to this day.